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Drug, DWI and Assault Penalties can be harsh. A Criminal Attorney, Minneapolis MN should be retained

The number of criminal cases in Minnesota have risen over the years and almost every criminal lawyer Minneapolis, MN agrees that there are various incidents that caused this increase in crime. In 2018 alone, there were 25,324 calls to 911 reporting various criminal incidents. These incidents include illegal vehicular operation, drug possession, domestic assault, theft and other criminal cases.

In St. Paul, Minnesota, a driver struck a person crossing the road. The driver left the scene and the pedestrian suffered from a brain hemorrhage. A few hours later, the police apprehended the driver who, they discovered, was drunk and with an alcohol level that is three times higher than the legal limit of .08.

Why was the driver charged with Criminal Vehicular Operation?

If a driver is driving under the influence of alcohol and caused harm to another person and proven by the authorities to have committed any of the following:
  • Driving while having a blood alcohol content of more than .08 Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
  • Having any amount of a Schedule I or II substances other than marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol in his/her blood
  • Grossly negligent in operating a vehicle
  • The car was previously issued a ticket because of its hazardous condition
Then the driver will be charged with Criminal Vehicular Operation and should seek the advice of an experienced criminal attorney Minneapolis, MN. The weight of the charge depends on the severity of the bodily harm inflicted on the victim.
  • If minor bodily harm, i.e., physical injury, illness, pain, and physical impairment is inflicted on a victim, the defendant will have to face gross misdemeanor charges with a $3,000 fine and could face up to 1-year jail time.
  • If the accident causes substantial bodily harm, i.e., temporary but substantial loss of function, impairment, and disfigurement of any body part, the defendant will be charged with a felony. The penalties include up to three years of jail time and $10,000 fine.
  • If the victim causes the severe bodily impairment or death of the victim the driver could face up to five years in jail time and a fine of $10,000.
You should consult a criminal defense attorney Minneapolis MN immediately if you are charged with any of these charges.
Theft charges in Minnesota vary according to the value that a person has stolen. Stealing less than $500 in property is a misdemeanor and is punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $1000 fine. Stealing property with a value of $500 - $1000 results is a gross misdemeanor punishable by up to one year of jail time and a $3000 fine.

Stealing property valued at over $5000 is a felony and can result in a commitment to state prison.

Remember, money isn’t the only thing of value. The rules above are applicable if you are caught stealing goods, services, deceiving other people or using others property without consent. Filing false medical claims and driving another person’s car without permission can also lead to theft charges. In addition, stealing explosives, trade secrets, or Schedule I and Schedule II controlled substances can also be charged as a felony.

Talk to a criminal lawyer, Minneapolis MN at Steele Law PLLC now to learn more about theft charges.
Drug crimes in Minnesota are classified into four basic categories. Drug crimes in the state of Minnesota involve possession, manufacturing, trafficking, or distributing illegal controlled drugs.

In Minnesota, compared to other states, regardless of whether the defendant is charged with a misdemeanor or felony drug charges, there will be significant penalties. A felony drug charge can land you in jail for many years.

You should talk with an experienced criminal defense lawyer at Steele Law PLLC if you’ve been charged with drug crime.
If you have been accused of violating the terms of your probation, you are looking at a substantial likelihood of jail time. You should consult with a criminal attorney Minneapolis MN lawyer if you think you have violated probation. Do not wait until you receive a notice from the court. A warrant may issue for your arrest without you even knowing. An experienced criminal defense attorney can avoid a warrant issuing.

If you are alleged to have violated your probation, you have the right to a hearing. The state must prove that you violated your probation by clear and convincing evidence. It is never a good idea to admit that you violated the terms of your probation without first consulting with an attorney.

It is not a good idea to handle a probation violation on your own. You are entitled to an attorney during the hearing to help you address any probation violation allegations. Call the experienced criminal lawyers at Steele Law PLLC for representation.
The penalties for violating the prostitution and solicitation laws are strict in Minnesota. Prostitution charges can result in substantial jail time and sex offender registration. Soliciting or pimping sex is also prohibited in the state.

Sex trafficking and promoting prostitution, housing minors for prostitution, hiring adults as prostitutes, and engaging in prostitution are all prohibited in Minnesota. The penalties for violating these laws can include substantial jail time from 1 year to a maximum of 25 years and a $60,000 fine.

Criminal sexual conduct charges in Minnesota are extremely serious and are often life altering. They often require mandatory prison terms, and lifetime sex offender registration. Criminal sexual conduct charges include rape, statutory rape and sexual abuse of a child.

It is essential that you have a criminal attorney Minneapolis MN that has experience defending these types of cases.
Domestic assault is when you are suspected of intentionally hurting a family member. A family member in this context means someone living with you, or has lived with you in the past, spouse, ex-spouse, your parents, and children as well as your relatives.

Mere allegations of assault will often lead to criminal charges if the police are called to your house. If the alleged victim later recants his or her story, the state will continue to prosecute these charges and will still seek a conviction. If a victim later recants his or her story, it is important to take these cases to trial as the state will rarely win a case where a victim recants. At Steele Law PLLC, we challenge each of these cases and put the state to its burden of proof at trial. We will defend our client from allegations ranging from a domestic assault, fifth-degree to first-degree assault, or violation of a restraining order or no contact order.

Let our criminal defense lawyer Minneapolis MN defend you against these charges. The lawyers at Steele Law PLLC have fought many Domestic Assault cases and many of these cases have ended up with no conviction. Call us to discuss how we might approach your case. 612-605-0722.