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Product Liability – Injury from a Defective Product

Personal Injury

Product Liability – Injury from a Defective Product

The world is full of dangerous products that can either cause injury or death. Though the U.S. and State governments regulate products to ensure safety, there are still many products that are negligently manufactured or designed.

Consumers must be aware of their rights when they are injured by a defective product. Manufacturers in the automobile, medical, pharmaceutical, and children’s toy industry try to deliver reliable and safe products to the market. But negligent manufacturing and negligent product design continue to be problems in the U.S. consumer market.

Minnesota’s product liability law is meant to give those injured by defective products recourse against the product’s makers. Minnesota’s product liability law is designed to encourage companies to safely design and manufacture products before putting them on the market. Minnesota law does not require a plaintiff in a defective product case to prove that the designer or manufacturer were negligent. A successful plaintiff need only show that the product was defective in some way when it left the factory or store and that’s why it’s important to consult with a personal injury lawyer Minneapolis immediately. The seller or manufacturer of a defective product is liable for the injury or death its product causes. No negligence is required.

Under the product liability law, a plaintiff must illustrate three elements in their claims:

  • The product must have been defective or dangerous for its intended use when the purchase was made.
  • The defect of the product must have already occurred when it left the control or premises of the defendant, and
  • The defect must be the proximate cause of the injury of the individual making the claims.

Medical malpractice is present if any or all of the following:

Once the three elements are present in the claim, a claim can be made as:

  • Strict liability - Minnesota law highlights that manufacturers must ensure that the design of the products they manufacture are not dangerous to the users. They are also liable to ensure that the product is safe to use as intended or when it is used in circumstances that are reasonably anticipated.
  • Negligence - under Minnesota law, sellers or manufacturers have a duty to use reasonable care. They are responsible for the safety of the users if the product is used as intended. Nonetheless, the duty of reasonable care cannot be applied to instances when the product is used in an unreasonable manner or in circumstances that have not been anticipated by the manufacturer.
  • Breach of an implied warranty - this claim can be carried out when a product comes with an expressed or implied warranty.

Liability – Injury Caused by Unsafe Premises

In Minnesota, apartments, parking lots, retail stores, supermarkets, and other properties must be kept safe for individuals. If, for example, you are in a supermarket and you slip or fall, and suffer from an injury, then the owner may be liable to you.

If the negligence of a property owner causes the injury or death of a guest while on the property, then there is premises liability. These types of claims should be prosecuted with the assistance of a personal injury lawyer in Minnesota.

Talk to a personal injury lawyer Minneapolis MN Now!

We understand suffering serious injury or losing a loved one is a life altering event. Our lawyers are sympathetic to both the emotional and the financial challenges a family will face. Turn to Steele Law MN lawyers now as we provide compassionate legal representation in Minnesota.

Get in touch now, call 612 - 605 - 0722 to get a free 30-minute case analysis and summary from our lawyers. You can also send us an email at

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